Manifesto: Security, Democracy and Cities - Co-producing Urban Security Policies

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Manifesto Security, Democracy and Cities: Co-producing Urban Security Policies

➤ ➤ Manifesto adopted in 2017 during the

International Conference of the European Forum for Urban Security, co-organised with the City of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia. ➤➤ ➤

Manifesto Security, Democracy and Cities Manifesto: Co-producing Urban Security Policies Adopted during the international conference Security, Democracy and Cities: co-producing urban security policies 15, 16 and 17 November 2017

Contents Editorial ................................................................................................... p. 9

Introduction ........................................................................................... p. 10 The co-production of security ................................................................... p. 11 Empowering regional and local authorities ............................................... p. 11 Security as a key component of sustainability ........................................... p. 12 The indispensable alliance of security and human rights .......................... p. 13 ...with inclusivity and justice..................................................................... p. 13 Resilient cities, resilient citizens ............................................................... p. 14 For cities and regions of freedom, security and justice .............................. p. 15 Thematic recommendations................................................................ p. 17 A responsible nightlife .............................................................................. p. 18 Cities and organised crime ........................................................................ p. 20 Cities facing drugs and addictions ............................................................ p. 22 Designing and managing public spaces ............................................................... p. 24 Discriminatory violence ............................................................................ p. 26 Diversification of security stakeholders ..................................................... p. 28 Preventing radicalisation leading to violent extremism ............................. p. 30 Preventing violence against women .......................................................... p. 32 Relationship between citizens and institutions ......................................... p. 34 Rethinking the collection and assessment of evidence .............................. p. 36 Security risk management and cross-border cooperation.......................... p. 38 Technologies for prevention ...................................................................... p. 40

Reference texts...................................................................................... p. 42

Security, Democracy and Cities: Co-producing urban security policies Manifesto


Editorial Europe is going through an unprecedented confidence crisis.


Europeans find it hard to identify with institutions, whether European or national, because they consider them distant and detached from

their concerns. At the same time, there is a real momentum for a more direct democracy. This citizens’ need to be better heard and to be able to act on their immediate environment is also reflected in the confidence they place in local and regional authorities. This led Efus to choose the co-production of urban security policies as a cross-cutting topic for its sixth international conference in Barcelona - after Montreal, Paris, Naples, Saragossa, Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis. It brought together some 800 people, including representatives from 140 cities, 40 countries and five continents, on 15, 16 and 17 November 2017. This conference, which also marked Efus’ 30th anniversary, concluded with the adoption of the following manifesto. This manifesto provides practical recommendations that are drawn from the thematic workshops held during the conference and expresses the conclusions and principles shared by the conference attendees and all Efus members. This manifesto states the principles and values on which the European Forum for Urban Security is based. It is meant to be a source of support, help and inspiration for local authorities for the design and promotion of their security policies. It seeks to make the voice of local elected officials heard by national, European and international institutions. It is also meant to foster exchanges with citizens across Europe and to encourage their participation in urban security. We invite local authorities across Europe to demonstrate their commitment to fairer and more secure cities by committing to this manifesto and adopting its principles in their local policies.

Willy Demeyer, President of Efus

Security, Democracy and Cities: Co-producing urban security policies Manifesto


INTRODUCTION European cities and regions have a lot to be proud of in terms of quality of life and security. Not only have they, under the umbrella of the European project, enjoyed the longest period of peace in Europe since antiquity, but also they regularly rank among the safest in the world. Mired in our daily vicissitudes, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that European cities offer citizens spaces of safety, freedom and well-being, albeit painfully unevenly distributed, that remain unique in the world. At a time when some political currents seek to undermine the union of European countries or advocate divisive policies pitting some groups of citizens against others, we, cities and regions member of the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) acknowledge the benefits that the construction of Europe has brought to our fellow citizens. However, we are also well aware of a number of serious challenges facing local authorities throughout Europe, the first of which is polarisation in all its manifestations, which represents a major risk for our societies. Related pressing issues are social and economic inequalities that weaken social cohesion; radicalisation leading to violent extremism; migration flows that require much more adapted responses in terms of social integration and the provision of essential services such as housing or education, and an ageing demographics. As well as other phenomena, these challenges manifest themselves locally but are transnational by nature and as such require global attention. Rooted locally, our horizon is European but also wider, insofar as we emphasize international solidarity not only between EU cities but also with other regions of the world, in particular those neighbouring Europe. We share and must expand common references, and opportunities to exchange, by using existing formal and informal networks in order to create a community of practice and thought.

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The co-production of security In light of all these factors, presented here in very broad strokes, our credo that security is a common good and a fundamental component of democracy remains as strong as it was when Efus was created 30 years ago, in 1987. Likewise, our belief in the validity of prevention as an effective response to crime remains as strong as ever. The evolution since our last manifesto in 2012 (Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis) is that given the multifaceted aspects of security and the increasing role of multiple stakeholders such as private security providers, non governmental organisations and civil society bodies, the question of the co-production of security, which relies necessarily on prevention, now has come to the fore. Cities must support a holistic approach, which entails adapting institutions, including the police and justice system, and training stakeholders to deliver this kind of co-production of urban security. This means in particular adapting working methods in order to further the sharing and exchange of information, and efforts to reinforce transparency and accountability. Such an approach must also prioritise mediation over confrontation or overjudiciarisation.

Empowering regional and local authorities Trusted by citizens, increasingly recognized by international policymakers because they are on the frontline when it comes to managing security and crises and have proven their ability to do so, local and regional authorities are nevertheless insufficiently empowered today to fully deliver their promises. This role must be recognised in official texts, funding mechanisms, and institutional governance.

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Across Europe, local administrative and political structures are evolving into larger entities such as urban agglomerations, metropoles, etc. Taking into account the diversity of cities in Europe, this must lead us to adapt governance mechanisms so that they guarantee proper representativity, transparency and democratic legitimacy.

Security as a key component of sustainability Efus has long promoted the idea that security is a fundamental human right but also indispensable to guarantee a basic urban quality of life for future generations. As such, security must be considered not only as a fundamental human right but also a sine qua non condition of sustainable development. In 2016, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that for the first time explicitly include various aspects of urban security. It will have taken a long time for this notion to take hold in the international political debate and Efus contributed to this, within its capacities. It now belongs to each level of government to implement these goals within their security policies. The sustainability lens can help us find a balance between the immediacy of a risk and the need to make long-term investments in society. As such, when enshrined in the social development of cities and human capital, prevention is necessarily the most rational choice.

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The indispensable alliance of security and human rights‌ The European Charter of Fundamental Rights is a framework that guarantees our respect for a set of values and principles in the face of rapidly evolving situations. Policies must remain agile in the face of territorial problems which are complex and diverse: they must remain grounded by an immutable set of documents that provides a roadmap. The respect of human rights must be embedded as a primary objective as well as a core element of any security policy, for all types of violence and crime. Our response must systematically be rooted in the respect not only of the rule of law, but also of universal human rights. In other words, the universality of human rights must supersede any temporary political circumstance as indeed, security in Europe is based on the respect and defence of fundamental rights, the strict rule of law, democratic legitimation and the principle of the social welfare state.

... with inclusivity and justice Social and economic inequalities fuel resentment, which can degenerate in violence and crime. It is thus fundamental that local authorities maintain and strengthen policies aimed at curbing inequalities and advance social inclusion. One of the most unsettling recent manifestations of this resentment is violent extremism, which takes many forms and can be overbearing for public authorities. In this respect, we consider it essential that local and regional authorities refuse to let fear dictate their response. Even though violent extremism may instil a

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sense of emergency among decision makers, it is important to remember that it is not the main concern of citizens, who by and large consider their quality of life and their daily security and feeling of safety, in their city and community, as the most important. We recognise the challenge of being genuinely inclusive given the diversity and fluidity of urban populations (which include notably migrants, tourists, and users of the city in daytime and night time), and the fact that a certain lack of consistency between local, national and European policies make it all the more difficult. Our experience demonstrates beyond doubt that the more socially connected and invested in their local community people are, the safer they feel and are. Therefore, the more inclusive a city is, the safer it is.

Resilient cities, resilient citizens The terrorist attacks carried out in and against European cities in the past decade have once and again shown how resilient citizens and cities are. Citizens have defiantly carried on living and enjoying their city for the very qualities that violent extremists want to destroy, such as cultural diversity and freedom of thought. This gives us strong hope in our collective capacity to respond and prevent this and other risks. This is why local and regional authorities call for a holistic and optimistic approach to urban security over the crippling logic of fear. Faced with the social, economic and security challenges that confront European cities and institutions, some political currents argue in favour of shutting off not only our borders but also our minds. By rejecting the fatalism of an anxiety-provoking climate, we make it our responsibility to identify and invest in areas where there is room for manoeuvre and possibilities for development.

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For cities and regions of freedom, security and justice At a time when some citizens express their lack of trust in national or supranational governing bodies, while at the same time expressing strong trust in their local governing bodies, European cities and regions have a leading role to play in designing and implementing security policies based on the balance between prevention, sanction and social cohesion. This is why we bring forward a number of recommendations for European local and regional authorities that aim at ensuring social inclusiveness in all aspects and areas of local security policies. Furthermore, in order to reinforce the role of European local and regional authorities in this endeavour, we call on the European institutions to adopt these guidelines and contribute to implementing them throughout Europe. We, European local and regional authorities, have the capacities, the knowledge and the instruments to provide security to citizens. Since we are, by our very nature as local governments, close to citizens, we know that inclusivity is the key to safety. It is in this sense that we hereby pledge to strive to make our cities ever more fair, just and safe.

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recommendations ➤

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A responsible nightlife ➤

Considering that : • The use of public spaces and the needs of residents are different during the day and at night. This may give rise to potential conflicts often leading authorities to address nightlife through the angle of security and reduction of nuisances and risks. • Cities recognise the importance of developing nightlife and better managing it in order to promote tourism and make an area more attractive, but also to better meet the expectations of citizens, many of whom work shifts. • Aware of the importance of this issue, many European cities are now integrating a specific nightlife policy in their local strategies, dedicating specific consultation mechanisms and schemes. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations : • The relevant stakeholders should be involved in a diagnosis of specific issues and in decision-making processes to develop a shared and prospective vision of nightlife. • A generalised approach is needed, articulating the different fields of intervention with internal urban services, the volunteer sector, local residents and the private sector (nightlife businesses, transport companies, etc.) complementing one another. • Public policies for reducing nuisances should be implemented and made sustainable, both in terms of security and health. • Areas where festive or leisure activities and social life take place should also be available in peripheral urban areas so that these may also benefit from night-time activities and services, thus avoiding the potential isolation of certain neighbourhoods. • Potential conflict between users should be addressed besides regulatory and legal actions through awareness-raising and mediation actions, always undertaken by trained agents, whether professionals or volunteers.

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• Local decision makers should take into account the specificities of nightlife when designing urban facilities or providing certain services. Indeed, their use and way of life are different at night. In this sense, gender should be a key aspect of this work in order to seek more inclusive and equal public spaces. In the coming years, we are committed to: • Mobilising and coordinating public and private operational actors and services (public health, security, urban planning, public transport services, etc.) and civil society to implement pragmatic responses addressing the specific night-time issues in a preventive, intersectoral and partnership approach. • Assuming the responsibility for coordination and dialogue and taking a leading role in managing the city both at night and during the day, as a democratically elected local authority. • Promoting a common doctrine on nightlife at European level aiming at the implementation of comprehensive and integrated strategies, which tackle both security and health issue resulting from nightlife specificities. • Setting up, at a local level, consultation and co-construction bodies for nighttime policies, which regularly renew the diagnosis specific to nightlife. • Taking into account the diversity of nightlife audiences (women and LGBT, wandering and homeless people, night workers, tourists, and peri-urban populations). • Developing regulatory and legislative measures as well as regulation and control tools.

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Cities and organised crime ➤

Considering that: • Organised crime is embedded locally in economic and social structures and operates as much internationally as locally in territories which previously thought they were not at risk. • Networks supporting organised crime and more specifically those involved in drug and human trafficking have demonstrated great agility and adaptability. • The infiltration of illegal activities into the public sector and the development of illegal markets are harming the local economy and society. • Local authorities have the duty to protect their citizens from organised crime and its impacts. This means protecting not only individual citizens but also the local administrative, economic and democratic processes. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • Local authorities, citizens, civil society and the private sector should be involved in the prevention of and fight against organised crime. • Local authorities should be encouraged to combine social, economic and repressive measures to fight against organised crime. They must use all the measures available to them, in addition to the penal law, by using administrative and regulatory tools, as well as tools for prevention and education to legality. • European institutions should involve local authorities in European strategies for the prevention and fight against organised crime and encourage an administrative approach. • Assets seized from organised crime networks should be recovered. This is essential to rebuild trust and a sense of justice in cities with major corruption. The social reuse of seized property can have a strong impact on the local community. • Provisions made by EU law for seizing criminal assets and investing these in the community should be expanded.

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In the coming years, we are committed to: • Encouraging and taking part in a multidisciplinary approach with a multiagency intervention strategy to fight and prevent organised crime. • Using administrative measures to fight organised crime and prevent criminals from using legal structures or operating in local markets for illegal activities. • Positioning ourselves as guarantors of a culture of legality and involving citizens in the fight against organised crime by opening a debate on norms and their respect.

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Cities facing drugs and addictions ➤

Considering that: • Faced with the growth of consumption of illegal and licit products which entail significant risks especially for the youngest, local authorities are seeing the drug markets evolve and face new challenges in terms of repression and the fight against these traffics, but also in terms of risk reduction. • Current legislation does not allow for limiting consumption and securing public spaces. The existence of the drug market and its visibility has health consequences but also has an impact on safety and the culture of legality. • The reduction of risk must go beyond the users by also working on the general population, the public and the digital space, while taking into account their different uses. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • Any public drug prevention policy should be based on the European guidelines and principles described in the European Union's Action Plan on Drugs 2017-2020.1 • Cooperation at local level should be strengthened, both with institutions and civil society, notably user associations and specialised schemes, in order to improve the setting up of risk reduction programmes and make them more accessible. • Risk reduction programmes for drug users must be widespread and sustainable. • A discussion should be undertaken at European level about new legislation and regulations on the use of cannabis, which should involve local and regional authorities. The impact of the various options (reducing it to

1- EU Action Plan on Drugs 2017-2020 (July 2017)

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minor offence, decriminalisation, legalisation, regulation of drug consumption and sale) on drug trafficking and quality of life in cities must be assessed. This will include the option of directing tax revenue from legalisation towards prevention to reduce the consequences of the wider availability of certain drugs. • The experience of supervised drug consumption facilities must be continued and assessed in order to guarantee their success and sustainability. Cities that host such facilities must support the organisations that manage the facilities, ensuring that they consult with all the partners including local residents and businesses. Support from all these local actors will ensure public peace and allow local resident associations to take part in evaluating the local impact. In the coming years we are committed to: • Designing or strengthening local strategies based on diagnosis shared with all the partners in order to efficiently prevent substance abuse and reduce related nuisances as well as petty crime linked to trafficking. • Aim to achieve minimum quality standards for interventions on reducing drug demand as recommended by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, and to invest in evaluation. • Fighting against the stigmatisation and exclusion of drug users, while respecting their fundamental rights.

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Designing and managing public spaces ➤

Considering that: • Public spaces are an essential part of the life and quality of a city since they are by nature places where people live together. • A well-designed public space matches the multiple needs of everyday and one-time users. • Numerous studies and experiments have shown that the design and management of public spaces have an impact on security and feelings of insecurity.2 • A human presence in the streets and ensuring that transport modes foster this human presence are key elements of security in public spaces. • Security in public spaces depends on a number of actors and professions from both the public and private sectors, which have very different professional cultures. • There are more and more national, European and international recommendations and directives advocating the integration of security issues into public space projects. They are essential but not sufficient to change practices. More effort must be put into training and the exchange of knowledge. • Large-scale development operations are not always essential. Low-budget interventions based on a methodology seeking quality public spaces and co-production with users can significantly improve security in those public spaces. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • The different uses and needs of the public, including minorities and those most vulnerable to victimisation, must be taken into account in the design and management of public spaces, based on objective and subjective data.

2- See for example the results of the COST Action TU1203 project on the prevention of crime through urban design, planification and management.

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• It is essential to develop and systematically use tools and methods of action involving all categories of the public in the design and management of public spaces with an aim of co-production. • Multidisciplinary scientific research (sociology, criminology, urban planning, psychology, etc.) on security in public spaces must be developed. • Operations for securing public spaces should be designed in accordance with quality and social inclusion objectives so as not to hinder social cohesion and avoid generating a feeling of insecurity that would be counterproductive. • A shared culture on security issues in public spaces must be developed through more training and strengthened co-production mechanisms. • In the development of smart cities that can improve the security of public spaces, attention must be given to the balance between human presence, technology and the respect of fundamental freedoms. • Changes in the use of public spaces over time but also at different times of the day and night must be taken into account. • The use of art and culture should be increased to encourage citizen participation and improve the quality of public spaces. In the coming years we are committed to: • Promoting the participation of local communities in the design and management of public spaces by using a variety of methods and tools suited to every profile. Specifically developing surveys on the feeling of insecurity, including groups of population who are the most distant from institutional systems and those who are most likely to become victims in public spaces. • Furthering our reflection on the contribution of smart cities and new technologies to the security of public spaces, in partnership with research and industrial stakeholders who can provide solutions. • Developing training and a discussion forum for stakeholders in charge of planning and managing public spaces and security in order to promote acculturation. • Developing multi-stakeholder diagnosis at local level in order to provide global and tailor-made solutions to public space issues. • Systematising local urban management systems to coordinate all stakeholders involved in the public and private space.

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Discriminatory violence ➤

Considering that: • The notion of discriminatory violence3 refers to “violent incidents that the victim, witness or other person perceives as being motivated by prejudice, intolerance, preconceived opinions or hatred, whether or not it is regarded as a criminal offence according to the current Penal Code”. This includes violence motivated by gender, racism, islamophobia, anti-semitism, xenophobia, LGBT-phobia, violence against people with disabilities, ageism, anti-gypsyism, violence against the homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and sex workers, to name but a few. • Acts of discriminatory violence are different from other forms of violence: they have devastating effects on the health and well-being of direct victims, but they also send a threatening message to an entire social group or community. Moreover, even seemingly isolated acts can potentially lead to escalation and large-scale conflicts, and thus become a real threat to social cohesion. • Recent developments at European level, such as budget cuts for social action, rising youth unemployment, increased migration, rising extremist mobilisation or a decline in the confidence in public institutions, have led to increasingly polarised societies. • While the levels of hate crimes and discriminatory violence are already high, many acts are still unreported and the prevention and control strategies implemented at European level are still insufficient. • Discriminatory violence is not sufficiently taken into account in urban security policies. It is important to include the harmful effects of discrimination, exclusion and intolerance on peaceful coexistence in local communities as well as how they are linked and the ways in which they fuel polarisation, radicalisation and violent extremism.

3- This concept was developed by Efus in the publication Preventing Discriminatory Violence at the Local Level: Practices and Recommendations (2017).

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We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • Strategies to fight against hatred and intolerance should be fully integrated into urban security policy agendas. The notion of discriminatory violence should be made central because it links discrimination and security, fundamental rights and social cohesion. • Local and regional authorities should play an active role in the fight against discrimination, based on the legal and political frameworks defined by European and national governments. Because they are close to citizens, they can contribute by promoting the production of knowledge, raising awareness, empowering local communities, improving prevention, supporting victims, connecting relevant stakeholders and allocating appropriate resources. • Diversity should be considered an asset when designing local urban security strategies. Vulnerable groups do not sufficiently participate and contribute to the co-production of these strategies. The promotion and development of public spaces shared by a diverse population where the security of all is guaranteed encourages their participation and strengthens social cohesion. • Early and / or primary prevention measures against prejudice in schools and in all institutions and organisations that contribute to civic education should be promoted. In the coming years, we are committed to: • Improving our knowledge of discriminatory violence at local level by using targeted methodologies and carrying out thematic audits. • Raising awareness among professionals, elected officials and citizens on the phenomenon and its implications. • Developing a pro-active strategy to promote trust between vulnerable groups and law enforcement authorities and facilitating the reporting of incidents and filing of complaints. • Seeking recognition of the central role played by local elected officials in the fight against discriminatory violence, and publicly strengthening our position against all forms of hatred and intolerance. • Cooperating with civil society to develop or improve local victim support services. • Increasing diversity within local and regional governments, raising awareness and training civil servants and public officials to better recognise and respond to discriminatory acts. • Intensifying cooperation and exchanges with legal and law enforcement authorities to allow them to better identify cases of discriminatory violence, provide better care to victims and guarantee the promotion of human rights and non-discrimination.

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Diversification of security stakeholders ➤

Considering that: • The supply and demand for private security is increasing, particularly in the context of the terrorist threat. Third-party security actors are needed to secure public places and event, for example. As a matter of fact, some European countries have a higher proportion of private security agents than public security agents. • In addition to public security actors, others intervene and contribute to the implementation of security policies. These include the voluntary sector, citizens, the commercial sector, and private security firms. All contribute actively to security. These stakeholders all have different cultures, modus operandi and objectives. • There is no common European culture in the private sector because of a lack of harmonisation with regards to national laws. • “Smart” cities seek the help of solution developers and manufacturers to meet new equipment and service needs in order to guarantee the safety of citizens. In these new collaborations, local authorities take a risk when they enter a partnership: the little information they have available can become a threat to security as a common good. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • Common criteria, principles and methods must be developed to ensure all security stakeholders are properly trained. • All security stakeholders must be included into a security strategy for the common good. • Prerogatives and roles of everyone must be clarified for greater transparency and efficiency and clear rules must be established within the partnerships in order to build trust. • Legislation on the tasks assigned to the private sector must be harmonised at European level and based on criteria defined jointly by the stakeholders.

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• Security actions by citizens and civil society should be better taken into account and actions such as peer prevention, mentoring and volunteering can be promoted and developed, while being well supervised. In the coming years we are committed to: • Pursuing the promotion of security co-production at local level, promoting and enhancing the role and prerogatives of the various stakeholders. • Establishing a working group for cooperation between the public and the private sectors around shared topics and issues, such as smart cities, by involving researchers. • Supporting, when necessary, the setting up of intermediary structures that can coordinate and facilitate partnerships between the public and private sectors.

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Preventing radicalisation leading to violent extremism ➤

Considering that: • Even though the phenomenon of radicalisation has an international dimension, it also has local components and impacts. • Local and regional authorities, through their proximity to citizens, their understanding of local issues and their power to shape public policies for the prevention of crime and for social cohesion, are strategically well positioned to implement actions and mobilise all relevant local stakeholders. • Radicalisation leading to violent extremism needs to be tackled through a strong preventive approach in addition to repressive measures. • It is essential to tackle violent radicalisation in all its forms because, whatever the motivations may be, they all threaten security and social cohesion and may strengthen one another. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • The prevention of radicalisation should be integrated into a global and local security policy because some risk factors are similar to those that can lead to crime. • Local prevention strategies should be balanced and based on a local diagnosis specific to the polarisation and violent radicalisation phenomena (profiles of people reported, identification and analysis of the extent of vulnerability and resilience factors in local communities, inventory of relevant resources, etc.). This diagnosis must be founded on a balanced approach and based on evidence collected and analysed in collaboration with local partners. • Local and regional authorities should take into account all phases of the process: primary prevention (general population), secondary (people with risk factors identified as being part of a radicalisation process) and tertiary (radicalised people), while respecting jurisdictions in each country. • Local communities should be systematically involved in the design and implementation of national policies, notably through better information on the extent of violent radicalisation in local communities and on the management of radicalised people.

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• Political reactions, especially after violent extremist acts, should be based on analysis and evidence rather than guided by emotions. • The many European initiatives should be coordinated to ensure coherence and resource pooling. In the coming years, we are committed to: • Basing our policies on an approach that guarantees individual liberties in order to avoid stigmatisation, which can be a breeding ground for violent extremism. • Mobilising politically at European level and supporting local initiatives to make local radicalisation prevention actions legitimate and visible. • Strengthening cooperation between European local authorities on our preventive and repressive policies as well as developing international cooperation, particularly with Middle Eastern and North African countries. • Promoting the mobilisation of civil society, recognising their key role in building resilience and identifying credible voices in order to spread alternative narratives. • Continuing the training of elected officials and technicians to strengthen political mobilisation and ensure this issue is included in local security policies. • Assessing the preventive programmes implemented in order to measure the impact of local interventions in this field.

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Preventing violence against women ➤

Considering that: • While the gender perspective must infuse all aspects of urban security policy, violence against women and girls (VAWG) merits particular attention. • All over the world, women are still victims of femicide, but also of physical, emotional, structural, sexual, cultural, verbal and economic violence. Such violence must be seen as a manifestation of inequality between men and women. • Violence against women is a common phenomenon in European societies, both in public and professional spaces as well as in their homes. There is continuity between the phenomena that occur in these different spheres. • Violence and abuse are still systematically underreported and the reality of this phenomenon is not reflected in official data. • In recent years violence against women, more specifically sexual harassment and coercion perpetrated by men in positions of power, has been the subject of intense public debate, particularly through campaigns initiated by civil society on social media. • Violence against women is not always a priority in security strategies, and often the budget allocated to the development of preventive actions is not sufficient. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • Local authorities must be involved in strategies against gender violence. Their role in the field of prevention and victim support must be recognised and strongly supported by national governments as well as European and international institutions. • Policies should take into account all spheres where violence against women takes place: in the public and private spaces, in schools, at work and during their free time, on public transport, and in cyberspace. • Better knowledge about violence against women should be developed to fill the data gap and systematic underreporting. This must be achieved through the implementation of specific security audits and the publication of statistics and detailed reports on the subject in order to make the true extent of the phenomenon visible.

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• Means suitable for this major phenomenon must be allocated to prevent and counter it. • Local and regional authorities should develop prevention policies that enable women to assert and exercise their rights and provide accessible assistance and support to victims. • All violence against women should be recognised by law as reprehensible everywhere and a more standardised European legal framework should be defined. In the coming years, we are committed to: • Intensifying our efforts to act as coordinators and facilitators of prevention networks that include a multiplicity of stakeholders, among them law enforcement agencies, schools, sports and youth clubs, churches, civil society organisations, committed entities from the private sector as well as individual champions of women’s rights and gender equality. • Increasing the diversity of profiles - particularly gender - in the teams involved in the prevention of violence against women. • Empowering women and women’s groups to be agents of change, valuing their contribution to urban security and encouraging them to take part in the coproduction of comprehensive crime prevention policies both in terms of gender perspective and fight against violence. • Working from an early age to fight against gender stereotypes and hyper sexualisation, in cooperation with all the actors who contribute to the education of children. • Exploring new ways of educating boys and men on violence against women and encouraging a critical thought process on male and female roles and their commitment to prevention campaigns.

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Relationship between citizens and institutions ➤

Considering that: • Relationships between the population and institutions, including the police and the legal system, have a direct impact on the quality of life in a city and therefore on the real or perceived security. • Mistrust of institutions is increasing in our countries, even though the municipal level remains the most popular level.4 • Citizen participation in public life is a source of sustainable democracy and cohesion, which is particularly needed in times of economic and social crisis, but it remains weak and is often limited to consultation rather than co-production. • Local authorities can be an important go-between and facilitator between institutions and citizens, particularly when establishing a dialogue between the police and the population. • Institutions must guarantee the rights of citizens and build upon their trust to establish their legitimacy. • Mediation can help restore communication, create and repair relationships, prevent violence as well as manage and resolve disputes amicably. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • The institutions' doctrines of action should be based on proximity and the recruitment and training of officers should be suited to this objective by integrating the issues of relations with the population, partnership, management of violence, communication as well as mediation techniques. • Recruitment and operational organisation in the institutions should promote the representation of the population's various genders and ethnic origins, without necessarily going through a quota system. • The organisation and modus operandi of institutions should take into account citizens' expectations first and foremost, whether concerning their daily problems or emergencies and serious crime.

4-See notably the European social survey reports:

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• Transparency and accountability should be guaranteed in the information provided by the institutions to the citizens and the latter should be able to challenge the action of institutions through a mediator if needed. • Citizen satisfaction with regards to institutions should be an important element in assessing these institutions and tools should be developed to do so. • Institutions should strive to provide equal treatment in their approach to individuals and their conflict management. • The representation of the law-enforcement forces in the media should not only be sensationalist but also provide a better knowledge of the diversity of their missions, notably their daily relations with the population. • Community work should be presented in a positive light to professionals, particularly police officers, and actions aimed at improving relations between the institutions and the population should be encouraged. • Technological means should favour proximity and accessibility to services. In the coming years we are committed to: • Promoting the setting-up of consultation bodies representing the entire population, including those groups that are most distant from institutions, in order to involve citizens in the design, implementation and assessment of public policies, and also taking into account various types of participation coming directly from the population (petitions, demonstrations, etc.). • Giving priority to types of participation based on solidarity rather than those limited to surveillance and ensuring that citizens do not replace security forces. • As local authorities, acting as intermediaries between law enforcement institutions and the population by encouraging citizen participation, and by promoting a good understanding of the preventive action of law enforcement. • Encouraging security training for citizens by diversifying educational tools so that these are suited to all audiences (popular universities, online resources, new technologies, etc.). • Developing quantitative and qualitative indicators and monitoring tools to measure the evolution of population-institution relationships, notably in partnership with law enforcement agencies. • Supporting and facilitating the implementation of local mediation mechanisms, in partnership with public and private structures and integrating them into our local security governance.

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Rethinking the collection and assessment of evidence ➤

Considering that: • To be relevant and effective, urban safety policies must be evidence-based and continually assessed. Criminological research shows that evidencebased prevention does significantly reduce crime and victimisation. • The choice of criteria and evaluation parameters partly conditions their conclusions with a risk of political use in order to justify the investments made. • Scientific demands do not always conform to the needs and realities of local stakeholders. • The UN Sustainable Development Goals recognise the importance of basing prevention policies on local safety audits and evaluation. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • Evaluation procedures should be tested. They must be more inclusive and participatory, ensuring the involvement of all groups in society. • Local and regional authorities should cooperate more with research institutions. To foster a common evaluation culture, civil society and the private sector must also be included with support from national, European and international institutions. • Policy makers must regularly assess their security strategy and the place allocated to prevention to ensure a relevant and balanced allocation of financial and human resources in the short, medium and long term.

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In the coming years, we are committed to: • Applying the knowledge accumulated over the past 30 years in auditing and evaluation. • Raising awareness and training local and regional policy makers in these methods and tools to help them design their crime prevention strategies. • Promoting a collaborative and inclusive culture of evaluation at local and regional levels by encouraging the involvement of citizens, including marginalised groups, and intensifying cooperation with civil society organisations to ensure broader representation. • Strengthening the collaboration between cities in order to develop tools and methods that can be used by all local authorities across Europe. • Revising and adapting our security strategies according to their objectives, advanced scientific research and assessments. • Targeting underrepresented and marginalised types of victimisation, including violence against women and discriminatory violence, to ensure that our knowledge of such phenomena and the effective means of fighting these are improving.

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Security risk management and cross-border cooperation ➤

Considering that: • Local and regional authorities are increasingly exposed to changing climatic, industrial or social risks such as radicalisation and violent extremism, but also to the management of major political, sporting or festive events. • Urban risk management methods are different from the management of daily security. However, their prevention needs to be taken into account at a local level, especially through cross-border cooperation, as the effects of these risks go beyond national borders. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • European local and regional authorities should provide coordinated and collaborative responses across administrative borders. • Local elected officials should be fully recognised as actors in civil security, especially during crisis management. • An integrated approach should be developed on the basis of a forecast axis (diagnosis of risk areas), a preventive axis to prepare citizens and public bodies for dealing with crisis situations and finally a crisis management axis (collaboration of all levels of authority from local to European). This integrated approach makes cities and local authorities more resilient and needs to be developed in close collaboration with national and international levels of governance. • European cities should be strengthening their exchanges and cooperation on risk and exercises management. States and the EU should be providing significant support to cross-border projects.

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In the coming years we are committed to: • Taking stock of the situation and experience of the management of civil security issues led by local authorities and cross-border cooperation across Europe in terms of risk management. This review of experiences will also identify initiatives supported by the EU. • Promoting a partnership culture between public stakeholders (local, regional and national authorities) and rescue services (fire fighters, civil protection, the Red Cross, the police) as well as with civil society, private partners such as transport companies, SMEs, businesses and locals. • Informing and training local authorities to get them involved in risk reduction and management. • Reaffirming the role of citizens as relevant stakeholders through their association and involvement in crisis prevention and management measures (municipal civil protection reserve, civil society associations).

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Technologies for prevention ➤

Considering that: • Information and communication technologies are part of our daily lives. Their increasingly widespread use will transform the management of cities and make it more efficient. Cities have the potential of becoming “smart” by using new technologies to improve the quality of life, sustainability and the use of available resources. • New technologies allow for collecting new types of data and developing tools that can be used to analyse and prevent crime in innovative ways. These technologies provide other means of understanding the complex problems faced by local security actors. They must be mobilised in addition to pre-existing resources and according to their usefulness and effectiveness in relation to a given situation. • Intensifying production and information sharing has implications on the rights and freedoms of individuals. Ethical and legal issues, such as the handling of personal data or algorithmic biases, have an impact on decision-making and the future of security. • The accessibility and effectiveness of new technologies, such as social network platforms, create new risks and intensify existing threats, such as bullying or hate speech, both in the cyberspace and in real life. We, European local authorities, make the following recommendations: • The use of technologies should not ignore the complex causes underlying insecurity, nor limit crime prevention to a mere technical risk management. Local needs must therefore first be diagnosed in order to define, from the results, the relevance of a response based on technologies and selecting the most suitable. • Security actors should be better trained in new technologies and their implications. They must be able to adapt their working methods to the most recent needs and challenges they may face. • A clear and transparent European legal framework on the uses of social media and the storage of data collected should be defined to ensure they are regulated and responsible.

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• Opportunities offered by new technologies should be explored with the aim of strengthening communication with citizens and encouraging their participation and involvement, ensuring that these technologies are accessible to those categories of the public that are the least savvy. • Security actors must be present and visible in the digital space, which now has many links and repercussions in the physical reality. In the coming years, we are committed to: • Promoting resilience strategies to ensure cities are ready to pursue new technology opportunities and challenges. • Providing local and regional authority staff in charge of security and prevention with the required tools and knowledge to efficiently respond to the perverse uses of technologies. • Allowing these actors to use technologies, including social network platforms, as a tool to support and amplify their prevention actions. For example, as a new channel of communication with citizens, to reach audiences that are traditionally difficult to reach (such as the youth and minorities) and as a new source of information to understand the insecurity dynamics of the city. • Developing and implementing protocols aimed at security actors for a sensible, weighted and justified use of information and communication technologies for prevention and security purposes respecting individual rights and freedoms. • Improving cities' level of knowledge regarding data protection when using social networks for issues related to urban safety. This should be based on the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. • Raising awareness, informing and educating citizens on the opportunities and threats of new technologies in order to promote digital security in the city. It is important to pay particular attention to the older population who is often less accustomed to using these technologies and is more likely to become targets of cybercrime. • Embedding security and privacy considerations in the design of smart cities. • Better evaluating the use of surveillance technologies and contributing to the development of knowledge on the subject.

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Reference texts • Fundamental Rights Report, Fundamental Rights Agency, 2017 • Alliance of European Cities against Violent Extremism, Barcelona Declaration, November 2017, Barcelona • The New Urban Agenda, the United Nations, 2016 • Alliance of European Cities against Violent Extremism, Rotterdam Declaration, November 2016, Rotterdam • Sustainable Development Goals 2030, United Nations, 2015 • Urban Agenda for the European Union, 2015 • European Agenda on Security, European Union, 2015 • Declaration of the Alliance of European Cities against Violent Extremism, “Towards an alliance of European cities against violent extremism”, Local authorities’ conference on the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism, 2015, Aarhus • Delhi Declaration on Women's Safety “Building Inclusive Cities and Communities”, Women and Cities International, November 2010, Delhi • “Security, Democracy and Cities” Manifesto, Efus, Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis, 2012 • Democracy, Cities and Drugs Declaration, Efus, 2011, Vienna • Leipzig charter on sustainable European cities, May 2007, Leipzig • Urban security in Europe – Recommendation 197 of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (2006) • “Security, Democracy and Cities” Manifesto, Efus, 2006, Saragossa • Aalborg Charter on Sustainable Development, United Nations, 1994 & 2004, Aalborg

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• United Nations Guidelines on Crime Prevention, United Nations, 2002 • Crime and urban insecurity in Europe: the role and responsibilities of local and regional authorities – Recommendation 99 of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, 2000 • “Security, Democracy and Cities” Manifesto, Efus, Naples, 2000 • European Charter for the Safeguarding of Human Rights in the City, May 2000, Saint-Denis • European Urban Charter, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, 1992

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Cities helping cities Created in 1987 under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) is the oldest international non-governmental organisation gathering local and regional authorities working in the field of urban security and crime prevention. The aim of our network is to strengthen crime prevention policies and promote the role of elected representatives in national and European policies. Efus works on all topics related to urban security, establishing links between European local authorities through the exchange of practices and knowledge, cooperation and training. It also serves as a link between local authorities and institutions at national, European and international level. Efus’ management is led by an executive committee comprising representatives of local and regional authorities elected by the entire network (250 cities and local authorities). Efus inspired the creation of six national Forums in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Exemples de composició d’identificació bàsica de la Generalitat de Catalunya en disposició caixa a l’esquerra i centrada, Helvetica Bold, cos 30. Per realitzar aplicacions amb les diferents formes del logotip de la Generalitat de Catalunya, cal seguir les normes indicades als apartats “Elements d’identitat”, “Programa d’imatge gràfica”, “Normes gràfiques de composició” i “Color” de la normativa del Programa d’identificació visual.

International Conference “Security, Democracy and Cities: Co-producing urban secuPodeu consultar la normativa en el manual, disponible en línia a2017 in partnership with the City rity policies”, organised on 15, 16 and 17 November

of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia.

Translation: Nathalie Elson Revision: Nathalie Bourgeois Graphics: Marie Aumont Printed by: CloĂŽtre Imprimeurs, Saint-Thonan ISBN: 978 2 913181 70 0 Legal Deposit: March 2018 Published by: European Forum for Urban Security: 10, rue des Montiboeufs 75020 Paris - France

Security, Democracy and Cities: Co-producing Urban Security Policies Sécurité, démocratie et villes : Coproduire les politiques de sécurité urbaine Sicherheit,Demokratie und Städte: Zur Ko-Produktion von Politiken der urbanen Sicherheit Sicurezza, democrazia e città: Co-produrre le politiche di sicurezza urbana Seguridad, Democracia y Ciudades: Coproducir las Políticas de Seguridad Urbana Segurança, Democracia e Cidades: Coproduzir as políticas de segurança

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